We encourage submissions from well-informed writers, artists, and photographers. We welcome articles that provide an Islamic perspective on contemporary environmental issues or connect Islamic principles with environmental and social responsibility.

Here are a few other guidelines:

  • Submissions should not be longer than 500 words.

  • Original pieces that have not been published elsewhere are recommended but we will re-publish articles if rights have already been granted.

  • Articles are to be identified by the real name of the author. No pseudonyms please.

  • Please define words and terms that non-Muslim readers may not immediately understand.

  • We require that authors fact check their own work and, whenever possible, hyperlink to relevant sources.

  • We use photos, images and artwork to accompany all articles. You can provide your own, but please verify that they are suitable for publication (i.e., appropriately licensed) or ensure permission has been granted by the owner.

  • Khaleafa.com is a non-profit initiative and does not have the resources to pay contributors. However, contributors can identify themselves as writers for Khaleafa.com for their own promotional purposes.

  • When submitting article please ensure the subject line reads: “Submission: <insert article title here>”

  • To submit an article or to inquire further, please fill out the form below or email us at info@khaleafa.com

We reserve the right to refuse to publish articles for any or no reason.